Designed in 1971 by Carolyn Davidson
The logo is a simple, single colour shape. Both the original and slightly tweaked version look similar - a curved 'tick'. The logo first appeared on the side of Nike running shoes, but is also used on items of clothing, sports equipment, packaging and peices of advertising. The device has been used with and without the word "nike".
History on the nike website-
The logo is a simple, single colour shape. Both the original and slightly tweaked version look similar - a curved 'tick'. The logo first appeared on the side of Nike running shoes, but is also used on items of clothing, sports equipment, packaging and peices of advertising. The device has been used with and without the word "nike".
Davidson was asked to design a logo to go on the sides of running shoes which had to depict speed. It had to be easily recognisable as belonging to nike, it was to be cut out and sewn onto the shoes , and she was given very limited time to come up with ideas - all good reasons for the design to be kept as simple as possible.
The swoosh is a long, dynamic shape whic suggests movement and swiftness. It's edges are long and curved and comes to sharp point, like some kind of blade or sword. The smooth, controlled shape is also elegant and graceful. Nike is the name of the Greek Goddess of victory, and it said the logo is meant to represent her wings. It denotes speed, power and finnesse, all qualities a good athlete should have. It also bears similarities to a tick, as if all high quality sportswear recieves a tick or stamp of approval from nike.
The simplicity of the swoosh device has served it well. Like many well-designed logos it's aged well and has never in it's 30 year history needed updating. It can be displayed in any colour without losing it's impact or recognisability, and can be be incorporated into other logos and designs. It's been so successful infact that for many it's simply part of their language - it's appearance brings up all kinds of positive connotations and associations. The swoosh can be stamped onto just about anything and give it instant credibility and value.
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