Monday, 3 December 2007


by Weiden and Kennedy 1988

Commentary on "just do it" slogan,M1


The single page magazine ad shows a photo of a darkly lit gym locker room. The photo is composed so that our eye is led to the centre of the page, where we see a woman (presumably wearing nike clothing) walking away from the camera, into the shadows. We can see parts of her clothing, but the top half of her body is covered by shadows and appears black. Her clothing is brightly coloured whereas the rest of the shot is washed out and grey. The dramatic lighting in the shot comes from a window on the right. At the bottom of the page are the words "JUST DO IT." in a simple, bold simple sans-serif font.


The phrase "just do it" is set in an uncomplicated font, emphasizng the simplicity of the message. Note also that the designer has included a full-stop, as if to say that's it. No if's, no buts. The word nike and the swoosh logo are notable in their absence, suggesting that the just do it slogan, or perhaps merely the tone and style of the ad are enough to indicate that it belongs to nike.

This ad contains no images or mention of any particular nike product. Rather it would appear that it's intended to promote and improve nike's image and increase the amount of emotional value the public place in the brand.

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